The Three Mrs. Wrights by Linda Keir

Star rating: 4.5/5
Thank you to Linda Keir, Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for this Advanced Reader Copy! 


Lark meets charming Trip in a hotel bar, and they fall for each other fast, engaging quickly in a long-distance relationship. Jessica, just graduating medical school, has given up a residency to accept an director position at her boyfriend Jon's successful company. Holly has been with her husband Jack since college and has three children with him, but is unhappy with their marriage and suspicious of his constant traveling. Trip, Jon, Jack... these three men seem eerily similar. In The Three Mrs. Wrights, you'll be on a rollercoaster of emotions as Lark, Jessica, and Holly uncover secret after secret about the men they thought they knew and loved. 


"'We thought we wanted to be Mrs. Wright, but here's to being wrong.'" Y'all, I LOVED this book. As an engaged woman, The Three Mrs. Wrights had me constantly turning to my fiancé to say "You better not have any alter-egos or secret wives!" What drew me in right from the beginning of this book is that the female characters are strong, well-developed, and likeable. I found myself deeply empathizing with them as each of their stories progressed. At the beginning of each chapter, there's a teaser line from a TedTalk by "Jon M. Wright" which I thought was a unique and intelligent way to give the reader insight into the mind of this man who, while deeply unlikeable, is clearly charming, charismatic, and brilliant. I truly could not put this book down and finished it in less than two days - I could not wait to get to the ending, which was sweet and satisfying. 
Really, the only reason I'm not giving this one 5 stars is the believability factor, as it is an absolutely absurd story. Especially given that the three female protagonists of this story are intelligent, successful feminists, I have a hard time believing that they could be so fooled and deceived. If you can get past the slightly far-fetched nature of the story, you are bound to love The Three Mrs. Wrights, available to the public on September 29th 2020! 


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