Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer


Star rating: 4/5

*15 year old Twilight-obsessed me screams and implodes* 
After years of fans' demands, Stephenie Meyer has finally released Midnight Sun, the Twilight book from Edward's POV.


We all know the story... 
Edward Cullen has never wanted to drink another human's blood as much as he desires Bella Swan's. 
He is living a content, peaceful life in Forks, Washington with his family, coexisting with humans, only hunting animals, when Bella Swan moves to town and turns his world upside-down. He is instantly obsessed with her scent and is driven crazy by his want to kill her, constantly thinking of different ways to lure her away from witnesses. But he knows that killing her would mean his family would have to uproot and move to avoid suspicion, so he tries his hardest to resist his urges. He tries to simply stay away from her, but he can't. She is like a drug to him, and he is addicted. She is equally transfixed by him, and once she figures out his secret, they are able to begin a careful relationship, Edward slowly getting desensitized to her scent and feeling more in control of his desire for her blood. But not all vampires respect human life the way he and his family does. When a nomadic vampire coven comes to town, they pose an enormous threat to Bella's life, and Edward does everything in his power to protect her. 


*swoon* oh Edward, how I missed you. 
I have a lot of things to say about this book. Let's start with the fact that it is 650 FREAKING PAGES LONG. To compare, Twilight was about 500 pages. Did we really need 150 additional pages to a story that we already know??? I think not. 
This book consisted almost entirely of Edward's tortured, pretentious, judgmental inner dialogue. Don't get me wrong, I am Team Edward until I die, and while I found this story amusing and hilarious in the beginning, even I was sick of Edward by the end. I was really hoping that Meyer would have taken a lot of the criticism that she received from the Twilight series romanticizing abusive/controlling relationships and, I don't know, tried to justify it somehow? Make it less creepy? Give us some insight into why Edward acts this way? Nope. If anything, it's worse. He recognizes how creepy he's being and just... doesn't care. Sigh. I expected more from you, Edward. 
So why am I giving this 4 stars? Because overall, it's exactly what I expected it to be. It reminded me why I love the Twilight series - it's ridiculous, romantic, fun, fantastical, enjoyable nonsense. Would I read the rest of the series from Edward's perspective? You better believe it. But please Stephenie, please don't make them 650 pages long. It's just not necessary. 

P.S. PLEASE consider donating to the Quileute tribe's move to higher ground. Meyer has profited greatly off of this tribe without their consent and they have received no benefit in return. 


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