The Whisper Man by Alex North

Star rating: 3/5
If you leave a door half open, soon you'll hear the whispers spoken...

Decades ago, Frank Carter kidnapped and killed several children. He became known as The Whisper Man, because he would whisper to children through their windows to lure them out. Now, children are going missing again, and they too had reported been whispered to before going missing. But Frank Carter is in prison, so who is responsible this time?

Meh! This book did not live up to the hype for me. I think this had potential to be a chilling tale, but I found it very slow, long, and quite honestly, boring. I think while North attempted to add a lot of depth and dimension to the characters, I didn't feel like I liked any of them or found them interesting. I will say that I didn't see the twist coming on who the new Whisper Man was. I think there are much better murder mysteries/psychological thrillers out there. Do not recommend. 


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