The Girl from Widow Hills by Megan Miranda

Star rating: 4/5

Megan Miranda's highly-anticipated new thriller is a story about survival and deceit. 


Olivia, formerly known as Arden, is famous. As a young child, she used to sleepwalk. One night she sleepwalked outside in the middle of a flood, disappeared for days, and was miraculously found due to a town-wide search that caught national attention. The story made her mother rich, but Arden never wanted the attention, and she has changed her name to escape from it all, leaving her past and her mother behind. 
Now she learns her mother has died, and she starts sleepwalking again for the first time in decades. When she wakes up standing over the dead body of the man who found her all those years ago, panic sets in, and the investigation that follows leads her to question everything she thought she knew. 


Megan Miranda's books tend to be hit-or-miss for me. While the stories are always unique and intriguing, they never quite grip me in the way I want from a thriller. When I read a thriller, I want to be dying to figure out what happened. The Girl from Widow Hills definitely had me wanting to know what happened, but more in a "this story makes no sense" way than anything. What's brilliant is that the story is supposed to not be quite believable. It's supposed to have holes. There are so many lies, so many red herrings, and the final twist is one that I absolutely did not see coming, which is ultimately why this book is getting 4 stars instead of 3.5 for me. Overall, while it wasn't the most exciting thriller I've ever read, it was interesting enough to keep me going and ended strong. Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for this ARC - The Girl from Widow Hills will be available to the public on June 23rd 2020! 


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