Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

Star rating: 4.5/5

Funny, witty, emotional, and sexy - Get A Life, Chloe Brown will have you wanting to laugh, cry, and make out with someone all at once. 

Chloe Brown's life used to be fun, but it stopped being fun when she developed fibromyalgia. For the past several years, she has lived in constant pain and, while she's learned to manage it and live with it, she has basically stopped having a life. She doesn't go out or do adventurous things or socialize with anyone besides her sisters. But she is determined to change that, so she's created a "Get A Life" list, filled with ideas for ways she wants to make her life more exciting. Go camping. Travel the world. Have sex. 
When she meets Red, she has no intention of falling in love with him, but he seems like a good person to help her with her list. And he does. But he falls in love very quickly with Chloe, and although she is afraid of the pain love can cause, she can't stop herself from falling in love with him, too. 

WOW, this book. I demand a movie adaptation right now. I just loved it. I love Chloe and Red so very, very much. They are two beautifully imperfect, real, kind, good, strong people. Talia Hibbert's ability to bring a character to life is just impeccable. I laughed and cried so many times throughout this book (and truthfully once cried from laughing - my fiancé can attest to this.) 
Here's what I loved: Hibbert wove very serious and real topics - disability and abuse - into a comedic love story, and she did so beautifully. Red and Chloe have both learned to live with pain in different ways, and though it haunts them at times, it doesn't hold them back and it doesn't define them. They are able to recognize the difficulties they have and support one another by, as Red puts it, "filling in each other's gaps." I think that's everything that a healthy and loving relationship should be. 
Now get ready, because this book is SUPER sexual and erotic. While it overall worked for me, there were times that it just felt a little over-the-top and ridiculous (there was at one point a line like "she crumbled like feta cheese." Cue me crying from laughing. Feta cheese has no business in a hot and heavy sex scene.) 
Overall, this is a super unique and well-rounded love story. I do not like typical cliché romance novels, and this one definitely was not a cliché. If you enjoyed Beach Read, you'll love Get A Life, Chloe Brown. 


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